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remove(unset) property in a property file using ANT PropertyFile task

Using PropertyFile task we can edit the property file during ANT build.

Edit property value are very easy and can find here details.

but delete a property or comment a property is the tricky one.
If we are using latest ant version (1.8.1 or later), we can delete a property like below.

<propertyfile file="" comment="My properties">
<entry  key="propertykey" operation="del"/>

but the older version that is before 1.8.1 don't have operation called "del", if we run the command in lower version ant, we will get a error says undefined operation "del".    

there is workaround instead deleting a property we can comment that property using ant's replace command.

<replace file="">
<replacefilter token="propertykey" value="#propertykey "/>
< /replace>
